About motivation of Nadine Gordimer viewed from “The Late Bourgeois World”12

5 Analysis of database

 As an example I will cover a portion of Max’s speech at the wedding ceremony of Queenie and Alan. As to make a relational database, it is difficult to set synergic columns. With the acceptance reading, I will analyze the English grammar and semantics and make the combination of “space and time” as the output. In case of synergic reading, the brain activity based on the intellectual property of an author is the problem, therefore, the column of the expert system changes by each author.
 Column 1 of artificial intelligence is the expert system that studies the adaptive capability to society, and column 2 of artificial intelligence is also the expert system that takes note of the behavior to avoid risk. The brain activity of an author becomes strong in the case of problem resolution.

花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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