Research on the synergic metaphor of “Frog” by MoYan 13

Table 3 Wang Zu consults with Gugu

The same as above      Cog.Info.1  Cog.Info.2  Cog.Info.3
The same sentence as Table 2A.  1       2      2
The same sentence as Table 2B.  3       2      2
The same sentence as Table 2C.  2       1      2
The same sentence as Table 2D.  3       2      2
The same sentence as Table 2E.  2       2      2

A: Cognitive information 1 is 1 base and profile, cognitive information 2 is 2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 2 from unresolved to reasoning.
B: Cognitive information 1 is 3 conditioned reflex, cognitive information 2 is 2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 2 from unresolved to reasoning.
C: Cognitive information 1 is 2 grouping, cognitive information 2 is 1 old information, and cognitive information 3 is 2 from unresolved to reasoning.
D: Cognitive information 1 is 3 conditioned reflex, cognitive information 2 is 2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 2 from unresolved to reasoning.
E: Cognitive information 1 is 2 grouping, cognitive information 2 is 2 new information, and cognitive information 3 is 2 from unresolved to reasoning.

 Gugu explained planned childbirth when Wang Zu consulted with her about a baby with his wife. She is a communist and the vice-president of the planned childbirth committee. While the standpoint of Wang Zu contravenes the position, the problem is unresolved, and the reasoning is continuous. Therefore, cognitive information 3 becomes “justice and equality”.

花村嘉英(2022)「莫言の「蛙」でシナジーのメタファーを考える」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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