About motivation of Nadine Gordimer viewed from “The Late Bourgeois World”14

(1)Max gives the speech at the wedding ceremony of his sister Queenie and Alan.
(2)Grammar 2 is tense and aspect, 1 present form, 2 past form, 3 future form, 4 present progressive form, 5 present perfect form, 6 past progressive form, 7 past perfect form.
(3)Semantics 1 1 delight, 2 anger, 3 sorrow, 4 pleasure,
Semantics 2 1 eyesight, 2 hearing, 3 taste, 4 smell, 5 touch,
Semantics 3 1 acceptance, 2 rejection,
Semantics 4 1 ostension, 2 metaphor.

[Formula of text symbiosis]
(1) I see the combination of the reading brain by linguistic cognition as “space and time”. The boundlessness of the horizon of the ground becomes space in the sky, and this could also be said about time. That is, “space and time” are the only expressions to describe boundlessness.
(2) The tense and aspect of grammar 2 has a dynamism in a fashion. Furthermore, the Donnybrook Country and Sporting Club is set in space. I will define “space and time” in every line of relational analysis 1 as follows.
A space and time = wedding ceremony hall of Queenie and Alan, present form and past form. 
B space and time = wedding ceremony hall of Queenie and Alan, present form.
C space and time = wedding ceremony hall of Queenie and Alan, present form and present progressive form.
D space and time = wedding ceremony hall of Queenie and Alan, present form and past form.
E space and time = wedding ceremony hall of Queenie and Alan, present form, past form and present progressive form.

The above-mentioned scenario meets the conditions to describe the boundlessness of space and time.

花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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