Research on the synergic metaphor of “Frog” by MoYan 4

 The reading part of the brain of “Frog” by Mo Yan is “planned childbirth and reality”. This is the Chinese policy. Justice or a sense of justice means to be equal. Although capitalism has formal equality at the level of the law, socialism can be equal when equality becomes a reality.
 Since old times it has been important to think about how to steer life during anxious times. Anxiousness for the future is inevitable, and sometimes man becomes nihilistic and inadequate. When that happens, man minimises risk in order to survive and affirms himself by placing the reason for getting lost in life on the existence of others.
 As the theory of justice to pursue the paradigms of society is in possible agreement with other persons, happiness comes from the right social adjustment to an individual. However, if societal changes occur, the right paradigms of society should be considered in great detail.

花村嘉英(2022)「莫言の「蛙」でシナジーのメタファーを考える」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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