How to make a synergic metaphor4

2.3 Synergic training

 I describe the ensemble of combinations as the synergic training for the specialist of arts because the research subject of synergy consists of original combinations. For example, when one opens and closes the palm or straightens and folds the elbow, it is called exercise synergy. I will consider the following three steps as the training of synergy to deal with the combinations as much as possible.
 First I will decide the research direction by selecting any combination of the above synergic combinations in 2.1. Next, I will consider items such as arts and brain science, micro and macro, contrasting and comparative language and literature, East and West, to make the theme that will lead to the model L from the selected combination. “Thomas Mann and fuzzy” would thus become the combination of German language and artificial intelligence and “Lu Xun and chaos” would denote the combination of Chinese language and memory or mental disease. There is also a combination of the study of both Western and Eastern fiction.

Table 1

・Thematic combinations Description
・Arts and science I compare the models of arts and science while reading a roman or a novel.
・Humanities and social sciences I accommodate literature and data handling.
・Language and literature
(contrasting or comparative) I analyze literary works within the framework of contrasting or comparative linguistics.
・The East and the West I think about the different ways of thought that are shown in the East and the West. For example, abduction; Eastern and Western philosophy; the differences in the politics, law, and economy by countries and regions; oriental medicine and western medicine, etc.
・Base and application First, I make the L model (horizontal and vertical) based on a work of an author. Second, I compare it to the L model of another author. 
・Traditional technique and advanced technique Humanities philosophy and symbiotic philosophy (textual symbiosis). Multiple combinations of textual symbiosis are necessary to erase the black box (non-special expertise).
・Micro and macro Micro means the accommodation of major subject and macro means the study of the global scale and the shift of format.

Hanamura(2018)”How to make a synergic metaphor”より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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