About motivation of Nadine Gordimer viewed from “The Late Bourgeois World”4

 Thought reaches realistic judgement according to circumstances in the stream of mental activity that appears when a problem is given. Hanamura (2015) searches conscious, unconscious and thought aspects for “A Madman’s Diary” and “The True Story of Ah Q” of Luxun. Consequently, I could make the same synergic metaphor analysis for “Luxun and chaos”.
 Motivation is the will that motivates a behavior. When one goes into action, their desire, impulse and wish becomes the motivation. Motivation accommodates the will and desire that control the behavior and means the mentation to act on things positively. For example appetite, sex and sleep.
 Judgement defines truth and falsity, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly. Intelligence expresses the ability that human beings adapt to circumstances and encompasses overall mental ability like understanding, thought and judgement. Intelligence disorder is seen in mental delay and dementia.
 This paper focuses on “motivation and adaptive ability” and considers the brain activity of Gordimer. In South Africa during the 1960s when Gordimer wrote “The Late Bourgeois World” was a time of harsh repression. Even if one had any adaptive ability, they couldn’t use it in politics and law. Therefore, the motivation is strong in the action of the mind, and the activity of the prefrontal cortex (including will) becomes a point of contention. The frontal association area also integrates memory information from the temporal cortex, partial lobe of the cerebrum and the occipital lobe.

花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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