パール・バックの“The child who never grew”(母よ嘆くなかれ)で発達障害と執筆脳について考える8


表2 受容と共生のイメージ合わせ

母親が娘の緊張に気がつく場面 人工知能
A The details of those months is unimportant now, but I will simply say that I found that the child could learn to read simple sentences, that she was able, with much effort, to write he name, and that she loved songs and was able to sing simple ones. 意味1 1、意味2 1、意味3 1、意味4 1、人工知能1
B What she was able to achieve was of no significance in itself. I think she might have been able to proceed further, but one day, when, pressing her always very gently but still steadily and perhaps in my anxiety rather relentlessly, I happened to take her little right hand to guide it in writing a word.意味1 5、意味2 1、意味3 1、意味4 1、人工知能1
C It was wet with perspiration. I took both her hands and opened them and saw they were wet. I realized then that the child was under intense strain, that she was trying her very best for my sake, submitting to something she did not in the least understand, with an angelic wish to please me. She was not really learning anything. 意味1 5、意味2 3、意味3 1、意味4 1、人工知能1
D It seemed my heart broke all over again. When I could control myself I got up and put away the books forever. Of what use was it to push this mind beyond where it could function? be She might after much effort be able to read a little, but she could never enjoy books. 意味1 1、意味2 3、意味3 1、意味4 1、人工知能1
E She might learn to write her name, but she would never find in writing a means of communication. Music she could hear with joy, but she could not make it. Yet the child was human. She had a right to happiness, and her happiness was to be able to live where she could function. 意味1 5、意味2 3、意味3 1、意味4 1、人工知能2

花村嘉英(2022)「パール・バックの“The child who never grew”(母よ嘆くなかれ)で発達障害と執筆脳について考える」より


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