Table 1 Columns of the database
Item name Content Description
Grammar 1 Voice Active, passive, and causative.
Grammar 2 Tense, aspect Present, past, future, progressive, perfective.
Grammar 3 Modality Possibility, supposition, obligation, necessity.
Semantics 1 Five senses Eyesight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.
Semantics 2 Emotions The connection to delight, anger, sorrow, and pleasure. Instant feelings.
Semantics 3 Flow of thought Planned childbirth 1 yes, 2 no.
Semantics 4 Gesture 1 Ostension and 2 irony.
Medical information Connection to pathography The connection between acceptance and synergy. Here is the medical information to link the combination of analysis and pathography.
Cognitive information 1 How to receive sensory information I focus on the information from sense organs and question how things are perceived. For example, base and profile, grouping or conditioned reflex.
Cognitive information 2 Memory and learning I incorporate the information from the outside into the existing knowledge structure. At that time, I will categorise the unknown information related to learning. Here is the memory type as the existing knowledge. Short memory, working memory, and long memory (declarative and nondeclarative).
Cognitive information 3 Plan, problem resolution, reasoning The received information is available to develop a plan. I analyse the problem for any purpose and search for a resolution. If the received information is not perfect, reasoning is necessary.
AI Justice and equality Justice is the character to presume earnestly and push with force. Equality is free equality and shows social economics.
花村嘉英(2022)「莫言の「蛙」でシナジーのメタファーを考える」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura