Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata 5

 When the research format is only vertical, I adjust the poles of art and culture or other minor subjects by sliding the cognitive ruler.
When reading each sentence by L, I can find the goal gradually while creating the relational database. What does it show in the world of AI or the brain activity of healthy people?
 I believe that an uneducated AI will grow bit by bit in consideration of a specific purpose. In this sense, I could create the combination with Kawabata by imaging a person.
 Furthermore, the database of a novel is the relational research tool by which I can check against existing literature analyses and various science research. It is the combination between arts and informatics that humanities researchers should deal with besides corpus, parser, machine translation (memory) and quantitative linguistics.

花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の『雪国』から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは-無と創造から目的達成型の認知発達へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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