The Madman’s behavior also exhibits auditory hallucination, such as feigned laughter and an episode in a dream.
Auditory hallucination
[Brain activity 3]
Process of cognitive ability ①Perception and attention
Abstraction of elements
[Perception] His brother brings a doctor along.
[Attention] Degree of obesity.
Process of cognitive ability ②Learning and memory
Abstraction of elements
[External input] If he would get some rest, he could regain his health.
[Schema] Rest.
[Existing knowledge] If he gets rest, he would become obese.
[Learning] They can eat a lot. What a laugh!
Process of cognitive ability ③Planning and reasoning
Abstraction of elements
[Planning] Madman will reform cannibals. First, he attempts to reform his brother.
[Problem analysis] He asked a man in a dream whether cannibalism is right. Could be. That was always it.
[Problem resolution] If cannibals could lose the idea, they could feel comfortable.
[Reasoning] They encourage and check each other, and therefore they never step across a line even if it means death.
The reasoning of Table 5 is grounded in the evidence that his older brother is a cannibal.
花村嘉英著(2015)「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品-魯迅をシナジーで読む」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura