Applications from the Magic Mountain5

 With a distance of 3.4m, it is classified that 60% is middle, 40% as far and 0% as near. The sum of the individual membership shows just 1 (100%) again, but it has proved as a special practice in control engineering (However 100% isn’t a special point.)
 The defined rules are applied to the function grade (μi) determined in the fuzzification at the inference.
The inference of the membership grade for distance (3.4m) is dealt with, and it should be determined how near or far the distance is.
 First the processing rules are determined. The rules are mostly based on experiences. For example, WHEN THEN . A set of easy rules could look like the following for ironic distance.


μA➔ WHEN…THEN. ➔μErgrbnis 1
μB➔ WHEN…THEN. ➔μErgrbnis 2
μC➔ WHEN…THEN. ➔μErgrbnis 3

a. WHEN Distance is near THEN ironic Distance is far.
b. WHEN Distance is middle THEN ironic Distance is middle.
c. WHEN Distance is far THEN ironic Distance is near.

 The measure of how near, middle or far the distance must be becomes the membership grade again.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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