Then, when conjunctions such as AND, OR etc. appear in the set of rules, an appropriate operator (minimum operator, maximum operator,…) must be selected. In practice, the minimum operator for AND conjunction and the maximum operator for the OR conjunction have proved themselves, because they solve many problems with slight calculation.
Finally, the membership grade of the output subset is calculated. The value of the membership grade is assumed from the premise for the membership grade at the conclusion of that premise. However, an inference rule must exist for each fuzzy set.
(56) a. WHEN distance is middle THEN ironic distance is middle.
IFμmiddle (distance) = 0.6 ➔ μmiddle (ironic distance) = 0.6
(56) b. More premises:
WHEN distance is middle or far THEN ironic distance is near.
IF μmiddle (distance) = 0.6 and μfar (distance) = 0.4
➔ μnear (ironic distance)
= max {μmiddle (distance); μfar (distance)} = max {0.6; 0.4} = 0.6
The maximum operator is selected for the OR conjunction.
花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura