To make a database of Jingoro Sahashi of Ogai Mori and its deviation 1

1 A relationship with previous study

 This text aims to analyze a symbiotic metaphor. First I will take an excerpt from acceptance and symbiosis, and then analyze by relational database.
Basically, in this paper I will look at “Jingoro Sahashi” (1913) by the same method as “Sansho the bailiff”(1914). As previously mentioned, I’m making a symbiotic metaphor called “Ogai and feeling” to analyze the brain activity of Ogai when writing the novel. “Jingoro Sahashi” differs from “Sansho the bailiff” in that the former is the emotion of emergence, and the latter is the emotion of inducement. I will make a database and analyze it with an awareness of this point.

花村嘉英(2017)「日本語教育のためのプログラム」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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