Fuzzy logic 1

 According to Hanamura (2005) the difference between set- and logic operation is very important. Two fuzzy sets are completely related in set operations. A set appears at the end of the operation again. For example, a set of the tolerant child is related with the set of a moderate child. A set of tolerant and moderate appears at the end of the operation again.

 The characters of the element being considered are related in logic operations. An element appears with definite features. The feature “moderate” of a child (e.g. Hans Castorp) is related with the feature “moderate” of the child (e.g. AND relation). The element appears with the feature “tolerant-moderate” at the end.

(19) AND relation
μA UND B (x) = min{μA(x); μB(x)} as we say, minimum operator
μA UND B (x) =μA (x)・μB(x) as we say, product operator
μA UND B (x)= max{0; [μA(x) + μB(x)-1]}

(20) OR relation
μA ODER B (x) = max{μA(x); μB(x)} as we say, maximum operator
μA ODER B (x) = μA(x)+B(x) -μA(x)・μB(x)
μA ODER B (x) = min{1;[μA(x) +μB(x)]}

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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