When one considers the human logic and the way of thought, interestingly pure AND/ OR conjunction is rarely used. Usually a conjunction that appears somewhere in between AND/ OR conjunctions is used. In the Magic Mountain, one sees Hans Castorp as a hero and Joachim Ziemßen as a character. Hans Castorp is orphaned, tolerant and middle-size. Joachim Ziemßen is broad, big and careful.
Here a tolerant and strong man is sought, whereby both the features “tolerant” and “strong” should be equally important at the selection time simplistically. Therefore, Hans Castorp can fulfill the feature “tolerant”, but only sometimes he can be seen as “strong”. Consequently, the membership could be assumed as 0.9 “tolerant” and 0.5 “strong”.
(21) μduldsam (Hans Castorp) =0.9
μstark (HansCastorp) = 0.5
Analogously it could be adapted for Joachim Ziemßen.
(22) μduldsam (Joachim Ziehmßen) = 0.6
μstark (Joachim Ziehmßen) = 0.4
花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura