Applications from the Magic Mountain7

 The disease (catarrh) of Hans Castorp and his distance from Joachim Ziemßen are considered dependent of the voice of Dr. Krokowski. The following arbitrarily selected a membership function applies to his voice.
The following arbitrarily selected a membership function applies to the disease.
The results adjusted for ironic distance between the cousines is shown in the following arbitrarily selected membership function.
Subsequently, a rough frame of rules is established, the rules don’t respond to completeness.


WHEN voice is very soft OR disease is light THEN ironic distance is very far.
WHEN voice is soft AND disease is medium THEN ironic distance is far.
WHEN voice is soft AND disease is heavy THEN ironic distance is near.
WHEN voice is mild AND disease is medium THEN ironic distance is medium.
WHEN voice is strong AND disease is light THEN ironic distance is far.
WHEN voice is strong AND disease is medium THEN ironic distance is near.
WHEN voice is strong OR disease is heavy THEN ironic distance is near.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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