Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata10

 Moreover, Kawabata’s literature sees affection out of basic expression of feelings like astonishment, fear, anger and dislike as important. Therefore, the element of artificial feelings is 1 original point (nothingness + love → affection) and 2 creation (ideal type + processing → character). If love combines with nothingness to become affection or to make a character, synergic metaphor comes into effect by objective achievement of cognitive development.

(2)Signal flow of each scene in the database

syntax 1(particle)→ syntax 2(tempus, aspect)→ syntax 3(voice)→ syntax 4(modus)→ semantics 1(five senses)→ semantics 2(delight, anger, sorrow, pleasure)→ semantics 3(behavior)→ semantics 4(nothingness and creation)(the output of linguistic cognition is “nothingness and creation” and the input is informative cognition)→ medical information → informative cognition 1(the way to acquire the information)→ second column: facial expression → informative cognition 2(memory and learning)→ informative cognition 3(problem resolution)→ artificial feelings(1 affection 2 character)→ cognitive development(1 objective achievement 2 not so)→(the output of informative development). 

花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の『雪国』から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは-無と創造から目的達成型の認知発達へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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