Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” 6 —Consideration from cognitive linguistics

3 Paranoia is schizophrenia

3.1 Non-linearity of cannibals

 I apply the behavior of the Madman to the cognitive process described in Table 1 and confirm each scene. I adopt terms provided in square brackets “[]”as the elements of the process.

Non-linearity (delusional mood)
[Brain activity 1]
Process of cognitive ability ①Perception and attention
Abstraction of elements
[Perception] The optic nerve of Madman greeted the eyes of Guiweng Zhao. He realized that the eyes of another seven or eight persons, a passerby, and children are the same as those of Guiweng Zhao.
[Attention] Grouping and comparison.
Process of cognitive ability ②Learning and memory
Abstraction of elements
[External input] Madman detected their code.
[Schema] Their speech and laugh are poison and sword. Their teeth are an instrument to cannibalize.
[Existing knowledge] The character of cannibals is written in the history book.
[Learning] The people who grin and look mysteriously will cannibalize me.
Process of cognitive ability ③Planning and reasoning
Abstraction of elements
[Planning] Wakefulness from madness.
[Problem analysis] The story is based in feudalist China, which was based on the Confucian doctrine. However, Luxun touched the spirit of modern Europe in Japan and fell into madness.
[Problem resolution] Cannibalism can be detected, but people continue to practice it. People would be happy if they abandon cannibalism.
[Reasoning] The people who are autoregulatory by practicing cannibalism really exist. The behavior which steps across a line to be a true person is disorderly and unpredictable.

 The cognitive process model (Table 3) reveals non-linearity in the Madman’s brain activity. The Madman’s behavior seems to be orderly at first glance. A passerby, children, the lady whom the Madman met on the street, Laowu Chen, and a peasant look at the Madman with the same eyes as Guiweng Zhao. Horrifyingly. They may cannibalize the Madman. However, I wonder whether the behavior that crosses the line to become a civilized human being occurs in a predictable order. There is no reliable story line, and therefore the behavior of cannibals could lead to the nonlinearity of chaos. 

花村嘉英著(2015)「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品-魯迅をシナジーで読む」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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