Chaotic effect expected from “A Madman’s Diary” 7 —Consideration from cognitive linguistics

3.2 Indeterminism of the Madman and cannibals

 Let us consider the behavior of the Madman and the symptoms of schizophrenia. The five symptoms described in Table 2 are also observable in the Madman’s behavior. For example, his idea that the villagers will eat him is delusional, believing that trivial things are attacking or undermining him. The Madman says that the eyes of people around him are all the same, which is a delusion.
 Disturbance of attention is also observable in the Madman’s selective attention focusing too greatly on Guiweng Zhao, passersby, and children. He remembered that he had stepped on the cashbook of the teacher of Gujiu twenty years ago, which constitutes a distraction.

Disturbance of attention
[Brain activity 2]
Process of cognitive ability ①Perception and attention
Abstraction of elements
[Perception] The eyes of Guiweng Zhao are frightened of me.
[Attention] Comparison and research.
Process of cognitive ability ②Learning and memory
Abstraction of elements
[External input] The eyes of children are the same as those of Guiweng Zhao.
[Schema] Eyes.
[Existing knowledge] The eyes of Guiweng Zhao and the cashbook of the teacher of Gujiu.
[Learning] They looked at me, scared and frightened.
Process of cognitive ability ③Planning and reasoning
Abstraction of elements
[Planning]Madman studies things.
[Problem analysis] Why do they look at me? Their parents taught them.
[Problem resolution] When one disparages a good person, he marks them with a circle. When one defends a bad person, he receives praise. Madman does not understand their ideas at all.
[Reasoning] They will eat someone.

 The Madman is not inherently evil. However, if anyone would disparage a good person, he would be marked with a small circle, and if anyone would defend a bad person, he would be praised. Therefore, slightly different inputs can lead to entirely different outputs.
 Normally, brothers approach each other. But when the Madman found the character of cannibals in a history book, his madness was already awakening. Therefore, the slightly different input of the two types of men led to indeterminism.
 The Madman’s behavior also exhibits auditory hallucination, such as feigned laughter and an episode in a dream.

Auditory hallucination
[Brain activity 3]
Process of cognitive ability ①Perception and attention
Abstraction of elements
[Perception] His brother brings a doctor along.
[Attention] Degree of obesity.
Process of cognitive ability ②Learning and memory
Abstraction of elements
[External input] If he would get some rest, he could regain his health.
[Schema] Rest.
[Existing knowledge] If he gets rest, he would become obese.
[Learning] They can eat a lot. What a laugh!
Process of cognitive ability ③Planning and reasoning
Abstraction of elements
[Planning] Madman will reform cannibals. First, he attempts to reform his brother.
[Problem analysis] He asked a man in a dream whether cannibalism is right. Could be. That was always it.
[Problem resolution] If cannibals could lose the idea, they could feel comfortable.
[Reasoning] They encourage and check each other, and therefore they never step across a line even if it means death.

 The reasoning of Table 5 is grounded in the evidence that his older brother is a cannibal.

花村嘉英著(2015)「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品-魯迅をシナジーで読む」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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