Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata – from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development”9

Scene Analysis
A There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed(the column of nothingness and creation). The information of eyesight and hearing is grouped and the facial expression is neutralized, for example (five senses) informative cognition 1 and facial expression. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved (artificial feelings and cognitive development)
B There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is cheek movement. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved.
C There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is lips movement. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved.
D There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is flesh color. The feelings of AI is the character. But the aim isn’t achieved.
E There is no expression to intend to love and the character is formed. The information of eyesight and hearing is grouped and the facial expression is neutralized. The feelings of AI is the character and the aim is achieved.

 As can be seen by formula(1)and the analysis of table 2, when each signal A, B, C, D and E flows from the reading brain to writing brain, the aim is achieved at the end, therefore the synergic metaphor “nothingness and cognitive development” comes into effect with some success.

花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは-『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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