The main areas of the fuzzy logic are control engineering and the decision making process. Here we will focus on control engineering, as the decision making process is very difficult to explain. How someone can control a process based on inaccurate values, shows that the control engineering application of fuzzy logic is seen as quite meaningful.
In fact, the fuzzy control can dictate a process that could not yet be controlled automatically. Fuzzy control does not need a mathematical process model, but rather inputs and outputs such as processing control on the basis of easy linguistic formation. Therefore, processes can also be controlled with hard or partially inaccessible process parameters.
Generally fuzzy control consists of fuzzification, fuzzy inference and defuzzification. (Hanamura 2005: 149)
A) Fuzzification
Through fuzzification, a given sharp value is assigned to a fuzzy set. The membership grade of the value to the fuzzy set is decided by the membership function as well, where it can also belong to multiple fuzzy sets. In the practice of control engineering, the membership function proves itself bit by bit with lineal process. For example, the grade (V0) of the expectation (see the next quotation) of Hans Castorp 7 (the index is used to represent his expectation). Hence we get the following equation.
(45) μmiddle (V0) = 0.2
μhigh (V0) = 0.8
The expectation (V0) is 0.2 as the “middle” of the the fuzzy set and 0.8 as the “high”. In other words, a medium expectation for V0 is 20%, and a high expectation is 80%.
花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura