B) fuzzy inference
Inference is always performed following the regulations of conjunction of a variable. The regulations of conjunction are also indicated as the processing rules.
(46) Syntax for the processing rules
If (premise 1) AND/OR (premise 2)
THEN (conclusion)
For example, a status point from the childhood of Hans Castorp is described.
“Die sonderbare, halb träumerische, halb beängstigende Empfindung eines zugleich Ziehenden und Stehenden, eines wechselnden Bleibens, das Wiederkehr und schwindelige Einerleiheit war, – eine Empfindung, die ihm von früheren Gelegenheiten her bekannt war, und von der wieder berührt zu werden er erwartet und gewüscht hatte: sie war es zum Teil, um derentwillen ihm die Vorzeigung des stehend wandernden Erbstücks angelegen gewesen war.”(Der Zauberberg: 37)
When his expectation to relate to the feeling is high AND suddenly the wish emerges THEN the irony is strong. In control engineering, it has proved itself AND conjunction of the minimum operator. A compensating operator (such as a gamma operator) can only be used on high-performance computers.
The sub-area of the membership function of the output variables is cut off by the Min/Max thresholds of each calculated membership value.
(47) μmiddle (Irony) = 0.2
μstrong (Irony) = 0.8
Hence a configuration appears according to (48) below. The gray flat is obtained as the solution set (the index is used to represent the irony of Hans Castorp).
The sub-area of the membership function of the output variables is multiplied by the Max/Prod method easily with each calculated membership values.
(48) μmiddle (Irony) = 0.2
μstrong (Irony) = 0.8
Hence a configuration appears according to a solution set.
花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura