By applying the minimum operator, the membership of the individual person to the set of the tolerant and strong man is as follows.
(23) For Hans Castorp
μduldsam and stark (Hans Castorp) = min (0.9; 0.5)= 0.5
(24) For Joachim Ziehmßen
μduldsam and stark (Joachim Ziehmßen) = min (0.6; 0.4) = 0.4
(23) and (24) indicates that Hans Castorp belongs to the set of the tolerant and strong man, more than Joachim Ziehmßen.
Following the classic logic, the set of the tolerant and strong men could be an empty set, since nobody fulfills both the features “tolerant” and “strong” simultaneously and completely. It is complemented by the fuzzy logic skillfully because a compensatory operator such as Lambda or Gamma must be located between pure AND (both features must be fulfilled) and pure OR (a feature must be fulfilled).
(25) μAλB(x) = λ・[μA(x)・μB(x)] + (1-λ)・[μA(x) +μB(x) – μA(x)・μB(x)] mit λ∈ [0;1]
(26) For λ= 0 man keeps an ODER operator
μAλB(x) |λ=0= μA(x) + μB(x) – μA(x)・μB(x)= μA OR B
For λ=1 man keeps an AND operator
μAλB(x) |λ=1=μA(x)・μB(x)=μA AND B
花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura