Study to make a database of “Sansho the Bailiff of Ogai Mori” 18

【Relational analysis 2】
Cognitive information 1 (sensory information)
 I note the information from sensory organ to consider how it is received. The feelings based on memory are related to amygdala, therefore emotions are clear on the surface subconsciously. The properties of columns in the process are 1 base and profile, 2 grouping, 3 conditioned reflex.
Cognitive information 2 (memory and learning)
 I build the external information into an existing knowledge structure. The new knowledge is named schema and the property common to existing information. The unknown information is also categorized. The process is learning through experience. The properties of columns in the process are 1 old information and 2 new information.

Cognitive information 3 (plan, problem resolution, reasoning)

The collected information is available to develop a plan. At this time, I analyze the problem for any purpose and search the resolution. However, if the collected information is not perfect, the reasoning is necessary. The properties of columns in this process are 1 from plan to resolution, 2 from unresolved to reasoning.

花村嘉英(2017)「森鴎外の『山椒大夫』のデータベース化とその分析」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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