Applications from the Magic Mountain12

 Thereby the preliminary works are calculated following the fuzzy logic. Hereinafter, the mode of operation is shown by means of a concrete numerical example.

Numerical example
IF Voice = 76 (dB) ,Disease = 3.5 (Index)

Hence it appears.
Appears μmild (76 dB) = 0.25, μgenteel (76 dB) = 0.75
Appears μlight (Index 3.5) = 0.67, μmiddle (Index 3.5) = 0.33

Thereby the following inference rules are applied:


WHEN voice is strong AND disease meduim THEN ironic distance is near.
WHEN voice is mild AND disease medium THEN ironic distance is medium.
WHEN voice is very soft OR disease light THEN ironc distance is very far.
Thereby μnear (Ironic distance) appears
=min {μgenteel(Voice); μmiddle (disease)}
=min {μgenteel (76 dB); μmiddle (index 3.5)}
=min {0.75; 0.33}

Analog to
μmiddle (Ironic distance)
=min {μmild (Stimme); μmiddle (disease)}
=min {μmild (76 dB); μmiddle (index 3.5)}
=min {0.25; 0.33}=0.25
μvery far (ionic distance)
=max {μvery soft (Voice); μlight (disease)}
=max {μvery soft (76 dB); μlight (index 3.5)}
=max {0; 0.67}

 When values are transferred to the membership function of the ironic distance, a constellation appears according to the figure.
 The centroid of the sample space can be thoroughly outside the area. The centroid here was assumed only by rough calculation. We obtain a centroid value of 3.6m on the x-coordinate, hence an ironic distance of 3.6m is adjusted!


Yoshihisa Hanamura (2005) An introduction to calculated literature – Thomas Mann’s irony and fuzzy theory (in German and Japanese) Shinpusha.
Thomas Mann (1986) Der Zauberberg, Frankfurt a. M., Fischer.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門-Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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