4 His desire was also unsatisfied here. Therefore, a feeling of discomfort came over him and an emotion appeared. Such adaptive behavior raises because the process to valuate a biological significance of external stimulus is working. Jingoro seemed apparently hurt. After 24 years Jingoro masqueraded as a servitor coming from Korea and appeared in front of Ieyasu again.
5 The emotion is closely related to the cerebral limbic system inside the cerebrum. Especially, the amygdala is the most important part here. The hypothalamic area fiber connecting to the amygdala and central substance of the mid-brain fiber connecting to the hypothalamic area are also concerned with the expression of emotion. For example, this is where responses of the autonomic nervous system (heart rate, breathing and change of blood pressure) and external conditions (freezing and escape, attack by angry) arise. In other words, the amygdala, hypothalamic area and central substance of the mid-brain are the areas of brain related to emotions.
[Rules of summarizing]
- A summary is seen as four parts: introduction, development, turn and conclusion.
- Finding six or seven keywords in a paragraph.
- Seeking central sentences in a paragraph.
- Summarizing a paragraph around the central sentences while considering the 5W1H as much as possible. Keywords are connected by verbs and particles.
- Considering the theme and rhema. For example, “gamble something” is a theme and “shoot the heron” and “request small and large swords” are a rhema.
花村嘉英(2017)「日本語教育のためのプログラム」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura