“Language” of Sapir and “The True Story of Ah Q”of Lu Xun 11

3 Chaos theory and memory

3.1 A mode of the brain

 Dynamic memory has been advanced for the brain activity. For example long-term memory is divided into declarative memory by head and non-declarative memory by body. Declarative memory is divided into episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory is associated with events behind individual experiences including future and semantic memory is associated with general knowledge.
 Furthermore procedural memory of non-declarative memory is associated with riding a bicycle and typing. The linking of episodic memory to chaos theory is very famous as a formula of dynamic memory. 
There is a classification of memory that adds priming memory to long-term memory. As to priming memory, the preceding information has an influence on the subsequent information. But it may be also a source of confusion because memory is patterned by the unconscious.
 Episodic memory and short-term memory are inside the individual conscious and semantic memory, priming memory and procedural memory are implicit memory without the individual memory. But episodic memory and semantic memory can intersect with each other by time and experience.

Memory→Short term memory→Working memory
Memory→Long term memory→Declarative memory→Episodic memory OR Semantic memory
Memory→Long term memory→Non-declarative memory→Priming memory OR Procedural memory

Memory is said to be hierarchized. The bottom layer is procedural memory and then priming memory, semantic memory, short-term memory and episodic memory are arranged in ascending order.

Episodic memory→Short-term memory→Semantic memory→Priming memory→Procedural memory

花村嘉英著(2015)「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品-魯迅をシナジーで読む」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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