About motivation of Nadine Gordimer viewed from “The Late Bourgeois World”16

(1) I see the brain activity of Gordimer’s writing “The Late Bourgeois World” as motivation. Behind this background, there is the problem of how one (white people) can participate in the social revolution of apartheid in South Africa. 
(2) Anything to combine with motivation is adaptive ability in this paper. Motivation consists of will and desire and if the balance is bad, one can’t show adaptive ability.
(3) Cognition of information 1 (sensory information)
I pay attention to the information from sense organs, therefore it’s important how things are perceived. The information based on memory is related to the amyglada, therefore, one develops a conditioned response to it. The columns laid out for this process are 1) base and profile, 2) grouping, 3) conditioned response.
(4) Cognition of information 2 (memory and learning)
I incorporate external information to the existing knowledge structure. The new knowledge is called schema and has features in common with the existing information. The unknown information is categorized and connected to the learning during experience. The columns laid out here are 1) old information, 2) new information.
(5) Cognition of information 3 (planning, problem resolution)
The received information is available for the process to make a plan, so I analyze the problem for a given purpose and seek a solution to it. But when acquired information isn’t perfect, modification is necessary. The columns here are 1) from plan to resolution, 2) from unsolved problem to inference.
(6) Artificial intelligence 1
I pay attention to 1) motivation, and 2) adaptive ability in mental activity.
A Cognition of information 1 is 2 (grouping), cognition of information 2 is 2 (new information), cognition of information 3 is 1 (from plan to resolution), artificial intelligence 1 is 1(motivation).
B Cognition of information 1 is 2 (grouping), cognition of information 2 is 2 (new information), cognition of information 3 is 1 (from plan to resolution), artificial intelligence 1 is 1(motivation).
C Cognition of information 1 is 2 (grouping), cognition of information 2 is 2 (new information), cognition of information 3 is 1 (from plan to resolution), artificial intelligence 1 is 2 (adaptive ability).
D Cognition of information 1 is 2 (grouping), cognition of information 2 is 2 (new information), cognition of information 3 is 2 (from unresolved to inference), artificial intelligence 1 is 2 (adaptive ability).
E Cognition of information 1 is 2 (grouping), cognition of information 2 is 2 (new information), cognition of information 3 is 1 (from plan to resolution), artificial intelligence 1 is 2 (adaptive ability).

花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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