Study to make a database of “Sansho the Bailiff of Ogai Mori” 10


Zushio was identified as the heir of Taira-no Masauji. (delight)

He inquired about his father’s well-being, but found out that his father was dead. (sorrow)

He embraced his mother after a long absence. (delight)


Morozane put a crown on laicized Zushio. The emotion to approach the behavior to someone who satisfied the desire is manifested in Zushio.

Zushio grieved heavily. Here the helplessness emotion is derived from the frustrated feeling of separation from his father.

The emotion to approach the behavior to someone who satisfied the desire is manifested in Masamichi and his mother.


Masamichi (Zushio) became a provincial governor. (responsibility)


He built a nun’s temple for his sister and took a trip to Sado island to search for his mother. This is his commitment to his mother and sister.

花村嘉英(2017)「森鴎外の『山椒大夫』のデータベース化とその分析」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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