3 Analysis
[Associative analysis 1]
A. Please give it a try. I abandon my party membership and duties. SEM1 1、SEM2 3 、SEM3 2 、SEM4 1、AI 1 2、AI2 2
B. The water in the cup spilt as the aunt hit the desk very hard. SEM1 1+2、SEM2 2、SEM3 1、SEM4 1、AI 1 1、AI2 1
C. It is not about you alone. No cases of excess three years in a row. Are you going to break the planned childbirth? SEM1 1、SEM2 2、SEM3 1、SEM4 1、AI 1 1、AI2 1
D. I was confused and said, because she makes a noise about dying and living.
SEM1 1 、SEM2 3 、SEM3 2 、SEM4 1 1 、AI 1 2、AI2 2
E. The aunt said coldly, our policy is not to take a bottle if you drink poison but to give a rope if you hang your neck. SEM1 1、SEM2 2、SEM3 1、SEM4 1 2 、AI 1 1、AI2 1
Analytical example
1 Wang Zu consults with Gugu about a baby with his wife Wang Renmei.
2 This paper sees the reading part of the brain in “Frog” as “planned childbirth and reality” and the writing part as “justice and equality”; therefore, the focus is on the flow of thought, that is, if there is planned childbirth or not.
3 Gugu explains to Wang Zu that the planned childbirth is correct.
4 SEM 1: 1 eyesight, 2 hearing, 3 taste, 4 smell, 5 touch; SEM 2: 1 delight, 2 anger, 3 sorrow, 4 pleasure; SEM 3 planned childbirth: 1 yes, 2 no; SEM 4 gesture: 1 ostension, 2 irony.
5 AI 1 (justice): 1 yes, 2 no; AI 2 (equality): 1 yes, 2 no.
花村嘉英(2022)「莫言の「蛙」でシナジーのメタファーを考える」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura